Welcome to my website! Thanks for stopping by. I am a Ph.D. candidate in political science at Columbia University, specializing in comparative politics and quantitative methods. I am on the job market in the 2024-2025 academic year.
My research focuses on the political economy of security and conflict, studying criminal and political violence and associated state enforcement strategies. I have regional expertise on Latin America. Methodologically, I employ observational and experimental causal inference techniques informed by fieldwork, combining administrative data with original surveys.
My dissertation project examines the causes and consequences of supply-side drug control in Colombia and is supported by the American Political Science Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant and a U.S. Institute of Peace-Minerva Peace & Security Scholar Award.
You can click here to view my CV. My research projects are listed on this page; my work is published in World Politics and State Politics & Policy Quarterly, among other journals.
On this site, I also host a blog, mostly about solving math puzzles and riddles for fun.
Feel free to contact me via email, which is listed below. I'm also on BlueSky @juliangerez.com.